Sunday, August 2, 2015

A New Series

Because of my dream to become a digital artist, the computer I have does not cut out for speed and power. With only 4 GB of DDR2 RAM, 250GB hard-drive, (not solid-state [sniff sniff]) a not so great case, and a motherboard and processor beyond embarrassment, I have decided to pool my resources to upgrade to a higher level. Unfortunately, my so-called resources were only able to reach for a computer case. And so begins the series on what went into my super-computer.

Like I said, the first part I was able to get was a case. Unfortunately, the picture I have is not the greatest, and since I don't want to go through the hassle of the 30 min duration of taking it back out of the box, the picture I supply you will have to suffice.

The reason I first bought a case is because that is one of the three parts I will only be able to use at the moment. (you cannot use a modern motherboard with DDR2 RAM) I could have gotten a solid-state, but about four people's birthdays are coming up, and I needed to redeem my reputation of supplying a birthday gift.

The case is a Sentey made Gs-6080 Seeker Gaming Case. Although I will not be using it for intense gaming, (gaming, but not intense) I wanted something that will look good sitting under my desk. The case is equipped with two 120mm fans, with fan controls on the top. It also comes with one USB 3.0 port which compared to nowadays, is no big deal, but compared to my computer, a leap. Both sides come off to reveal a hidden cable system on one side, and the interior on the other.
It comes with four HDD/SSD racks, which slide out with some coaxing. One main bummer is that the case comes with lots of little pieces and chords, but no instructions.

The case allows you to add two more fans on the top, which I will be installing soon. (a.k.a after birthday presents) I am not sure if the fan controls work with the two additional fans. I assume it wouldn't. My previous case had only two ways for air to go out; the front and the back. This case has front, back, top, and bottom.

In summary, I have found this case to be a thumbs up. There were some cases similar to this one, but cheaper in value, that were okay, but not as nice. I figured that money-wise in cases, you want to get a nice case even if it means spending a little extra, since you will be looking at it for the years to come.

I hope you enjoy this mini-series as it progresses through the various parts. I will not be posting on a weekly update, but rather as the parts come in.

Till next time,


Sunday, April 19, 2015


My first attempt at large models was based off the Supreme Commanders: Forged Alliance UEF Tech 3 Gunship. My first design had all four engines rotate to it's hovering position, but since the structure holding the wings in that position was flimsy, I removed it and kept that gunship in flying mode.

my main problem with this model was in filling up the gaps.
 A couple of the front engines were left open.

As you can see...I slacked off on some areas of the gunship.
The back air-to-air guns were added by me

The four guns on the underside was added to represent the gunships, well, guns.
They were not the original design.

So overall, the gunship, although not the best, was a major step in my K'nex designing. A friend of mine suggested that I take pictures of post-production pictures, which was a great idea, but was after I designed my fifth big model. =D So in the next three posts of mega-models, you will only see final production. 

Till next time,


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Starcraft Battlecruiser

Hello all!

Every time I write a post saying I have "returned" I don't publish another post until two months later; so much for my grand recovery. But despite all that, I believe that this post was worth it. If you refer to my "about me section", you will see that I explain that I am not very good in creating lego models. However, when it comes to K'nex, my ability is far superior.

 The battle-cruiser is based of the Starcraft II computer game, which I happen to play. This model was my second attempt at large scale models. (My first attempt will be another post) On this model, I focused more on detail than structure, so when I picked it up, the wings nearly broke off. After adding some little unnoticed supports, the model was ready. If you refer to the pictures below, you can see the contrast of my model to the real thing. Unfortunately, the pictures of my model are not in the same pose as the real one, so you will have to make the best of it to decide whether I made a realistic replica.

View of the front. 
Some small weapons can be seen as added, and not part of the original model.
View of the left exhaust pipes, near the wing.
Center part of the battle-cruiser.
 The two guns on top are added. The two yellow/blue ones are the ground cannons
Command deck. The wings on the end were a unfinished attempt to create the wings on the model
Exhausts, which propel the ship forward. 
Front half of the wing, which consisted of the two air-to-air guns.
I tried to create the shield plating on the side of the wings.
 You can't see it from this perspective, but some of the air-to-air guns were created differently.
The cruiser is placed face down, where you can see the engines. The light orange rods are the supports I made to hold the wings together. Their tied force keeps them from sagging.

Well, that about wraps it up. The cruiser was a very large step for me in creating large models, but was a thrill to see it slowly develop. I also found out that not all pieces are unlimited, so I had to substitute many pieces for others. 

Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Back Again

After my long absence, I have decided to update my blog's look, since the previous colors didn't really, um, match. After almost 1.5 years, I have come back from nowhere and decided to not post so terribly. Please note that although no one will probably read this, I am writing this so that ten years from now, I can look back at what I did on a blog and laugh at it. ;) (couldn't forget the Emogene =))But for those who read this meager html coding, may you benefit from what I write, whether it is lego designs, or large K'nex models. I am not one who flowers up words with many exemplified words (even though I may try) but I do try to write as much information in very few words (which is bad if you want to write a book).

So, large and empty void, I am back; with probably the same things that I offered when I was here before, only a little more worthwhile.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mobile Fortress

Hello everyone! Please forgive me for not posting for over 4 months. I hope you didn't get tired of seeing the same things over and over. Okay, enough with the confession, i would like to present a new form of building (to me) using mega blocks with Lego...The Mobile Fortress.Armed with a large cannon and two mini cannons, this monstrous thing can hold probably more than 20 mini figures. (I have not put more than 20 figs on there) It features a cockpit, an elevator, a large compartment under the cockpit for storing things, and a small "nest for three mini figs.
The fortress

The cockpit

The inside down to the first level

The side

the elevator and the area where the minifigs can come on.

The lower level

The top level
Thank you for reading and check in later for my next post!
So long!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Armed Helicopter

This set was made from my older brothers pieces using only the round disc that is the ray gun as my piece. The cockpit can hold one mini figure and his weapon.
The large ray gun is in the front and can move from side to side and up and down

There are two side cannons with a can of oil, if pursued by a car. The white thing sticking out of the back was supposed to be a gun but now that I see how awful it looks, it shouldn't be attached.
The inside of the cockpit has controls and a red button for emergency purposes.

Well that is all, in my next next post there will be the updated version of the Ray gun carrier. Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Crystal King Deluxe

 Sorry I haven't posted in a while!!! You probably got bored at looking at the same thing for 7 months. well not any more! I present to you...The Crystal King Deluxe!

By using set 6862 Superman Vs Power Armor Lex and 8962 Crystal King, I made this gigantic size rock monster. His legs are now 2 1/2 times longer, he has two extra arms and different parts from Lex's armor suit. the legs I put together using a 2x4 brick

the extra arms was put in by removing a 2x4 brick in the middle of the Crystal King
The two tanks I put on by using  two 2x1 bricks and two 2x2 plates to keep it on.
That about covers it. the tube is is connected from the tank to his head to give him more power.
Well that's all; till then!